Keep Your Rugs Looking Beautiful

Area Rugs Care &


Routine Rug Care

To maintain the beauty and longevity of your area rugs, it is important to establish a care routine. Regular vacuuming is essential to remove loose dirt and prevent it from settling into the fibers, which can dull the appearance of your rug over time. Placing doormats at entrances helps to trap dirt and prevent it from being tracked into your home and onto the rug. For pet owners, keeping their nails trimmed helps minimize the risk of snagging or damaging the rug.

By incorporating these simple practices, you can ensure that your rug remains in excellent condition and enjoy its inviting warmth for many years to come.

Rug care | Homespun | Riverview, MI
Rug care | Homespun | Riverview, MI

Tackling Rug Spills and Stains

Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, accidents happen. When spills happen, it's important to act quickly to prevent staining. Begin by gently blotting up any liquid spills using a clean cloth. For solid materials, carefully vacuum them. To ensure the safety of your carpet and avoid voiding any warranties, it is always recommended to consult your manufacturer's guide before using any cleaning solutions or stain removers.